I dug around a little more and found GH-8615, and it seems to mention the same problem. I have tested, and when running `pageant.exe` agent forwarding works while the provisioner...
@skylot I recently encountered a project for deploying jar files in a cross-platform manner that might be easier than creating your own launcher. https://www.jdeploy.com/
I was looking at this a little more. Would it make sense that logic for the Post Agent and Website Agent would be similar? The [function definition](https://github.com/huginn/huginn/blob/b06f77d1d78b08a82b9ca381702506403f35eb58/app/models/agents/website_agent.rb#L221) for the Website...
@tolgafiratoglu You have probably moved on, but from what you have posted, it looks like your issue is due to the fact that `ldap.mydomain.edu` doesn't resolve to your OpenLDAP container....
Is something more required for this to be merged?
I have just run into this myself! I have also found the answer 😃! The issue is due to either [this line in the `Dockerfile`](https://github.com/osixia/docker-phpLDAPadmin/blob/6d1b92e8883dfa53c14fc448843e3e7c6b46e94f/image/Dockerfile#L43) or [this line in the...
Here is the command I was able to successfully use to run on a Windows host: `docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd):/app" --workdir /app -p 8080:8080 ghcr.io/getzola/zola:v0.17.2 serve --interface
It's my understanding that the flag `--delete-after` will delete files at the destination (that don't exist in source) *after* the copy operations have been performed. [man rsync](https://linux.die.net/man/1/rsync)
The included clock app.
@thestinger No, not using battery saver.