
Results 6 issues of csharsha

Hi, We have web application built on HTTP H2 protocol, but when we use Browsermob proxy and browse the application all the web requests are using HTTP 1.1 protocol. When...

**Feature request summary** Is there an option to measure User flow performance like running timespan API or taking snapshots through command line? If yes how to use it. If not,...

**Summary** I am trying to open an URL in MSEdge browser to measure User-Flow performance analysis. Everything is going well when the application is single page. I have a login...


Hi, We have our electron application built and packed into an executable exe file and when installed it can be seen in C:\Program Files\App Name\resources\app. Can anyone please help me...

Hi, I am using ngDriver.waitforangular for waiting the page to load after certain operation like user click. But it is not working all the time consistently. I have setscripttimeout to...

Hi, I have an Array of Objects with size of 81. It is as below Array.length = 81 [1] Object {val: 1, candidates: Array[9]} Like this I have 81 Objects....