Improved: Improvement to createPartyRelationship service (OFBIZ-12765) The createPartyRelationship service now allows new relationships of the same parties if there are no conflicts in their period of validity.
Improved: Refactoring WebSiteProperties.java (OFBIZ-12843) Thanks: Benjamin Jugl
Improved: Adds additional methods to ContentWorker for finding content with alternate locales and changes view-entities for content to better include associated content of different locales. (OFBIZ-12829)
Fixed: Afterlogin events are called during logout (OFBIZ-13114) Deleted the lines in LoginWorker::doBasicLogout that would cause these incorrect event calls.
Improved: createPartyRelationship service (OFBIZ-12765) The createPartyRelationship service now allows new relationships of the same parties if there are no conflicts in their period of validity.