Chris Setzkorn
Chris Setzkorn
Let is assume I have a dataset with 3 independent valiables/predictors/features. So far I used code along those lines successfully: ``` hyperparameters = { 'max_depth': '10', 'num_round': '100', 'objective': 'count:poisson'...
Hi all, I followed the script mode example [here]( ) , specificaly [this]( This is great and the cross_validation function [here]( returns errors and the model: ``` def cross_validation(df, K,...
Hi all, I followed the script mode example [here]( ) , specificaly [this]( The model fitted model is fitted like this: ``` model_location = args.model_dir + "/xgboost-model" pickle.dump(model, open(model_location, "wb"))...
I am using this code: var sparkContext = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().SetAppName("ExcitingWarAndPeaceCount")); var file = sparkContext.TextFile("file:///C:/war_and_peace.txt"); var warsCount = file.Filter(line => line.Contains("war")).Count(); var peaceCount = file.Filter(line => line.Contains("peace")).Count(); see also:
My use case is to deploy a locally trained model - perfectly valid use case AFIK. For reproducibility I trained this simple model: ```r library(datasets) library(caret) setwd("C:/Data") index
Could this be secured in Azure and if so how please?
I tried to understand the source code but struggle sorry. Let use say my (geo)pandas df has 2 stats: S1 + S2 does the application of the weights depend on...
I think this would be useful. I would know how to do this using TF + Keras. Not sure if this could be used?