師兄會否知曉``RedisModule_CreateCommand``最後的三個arguments: ``firstkey, lastkey, keystep``有何作用? 另外發現了一個坑,於CLI環境下調用,如果argument用quote包著,``i.e. "Peter Nelson"``,後面一定要帶一個space,否則會出現``Invalid argument(s)``,師兄有沒有遇到過?
Currently not support. A button seems is such an eyesore for a small cell. I may introduce another way to implement this in later version. Thanks for your suggestion.
This is a nice feature and commonly used in application. I am also looking for this feature in the future release
The grid does not provide column selection. What do you want to do?
Block copy is not support currently. You may export the whole table to Excel and do that in Excel.
> How to provide secondary table header No group header is provided currently. If you want a multi-line header, you could specify inside your header label.
> When I click (or double-click) the column header, I want the entire column data to be selected. Like Microsoft Excel Sorry now the selection only support rows and single-cell
Yes, now the dialog just provides single-selection mode. I will think about it.
Let me think about it
Add more logic means it slows down the renderer and moving cursor. Frankly speaking now it reaches the performance ceiling and not much buffer in adding more complicated features. But...