
Results 6 comments of cs2dsb

Have you seen the XML files in STM32CubeMX? [Someone has uploaded a copy here](https://github.com/esden/stm32cube-database) They seem to specify every possible variant of each peripheral (db/mcu/ip/*.xml) and which of them exist...

I've had a bash at getting something useful out of the CubeMx db xml files. I focussed on getting the interrupts out because the interrupts for the micro I'm using...

I'm not sure this is possible - I've been poking about and it seems that you need DEBUGEN in DHCSR to be set for any DBGMCU registers to work but...

@mubes In my case, I have my UART dongle connected to SWO and GND and a separate header for programming so I was listening for ITM packets but if I...

A fly in the ointment is if you are using DWT for delays which a bunch of the hal implementations do [f1/i2c for example](https://github.com/stm32-rs/stm32f1xx-hal/blob/master/src/i2c.rs) the TRCENA bit has to be...

Wow it's been a while since I looked at this. I don't have any hardware to hand to try and debug it at the moment but I can try and...