Luo Gang

Results 27 comments of Luo Gang

Sorry to hear that. I haven't tested with React Native. My daily job is based on Angular now. So I am sorry that I don't have much time to solve...

It's a good idea. But I am just too busy these days. BTW, I have to work with Angular 2 these days since my boss loves it. Anyway, PR is...

Yeah, that's a problem. I plan to make it similar to redux devtools extension, show error message instead if window.Perf is not exist.

Thanks for the advice. It's better to keep react-addons-perf the same version as react. APIs may change between versions. Bundle react-addons-perf in the app is the simplest way to ensure...

Great idea. will add that on the next version 😄

It seems that drop `rru=addevent` could fix the issue. Not sure if there are any other side effects.

canLoad still have the same problem. I think it should wait for canActivate on the parent to finish, but it doesn't.


不过只要第一次设置完成了。之后就正常了,我的办法是: 1. clone 项目代码 2. npm install 3. 修改 VRouter/src/renderer/lib/vrouter.js L130 ```await Utils.wait(30000)``` 改成 ```await Utils.wait(5 * 60 * 1000)```,直接等它5分钟。 4. npm run dev 5. 构建虚拟机,这次应该能成功 完了之后关闭推出这个开发版,现在打开production的版本,就会发现之前的虚拟机,不用重新构建了。