Some function has been renamed, I've updated it in my branch, all conflicts should be resolved now.
Updating events would be a much welcome behavior! It would be even better than a graceful fail. May I suggest using[import](**kwargs) instead of[insert](**kwargs), when `'iCalUID' in event` is...
Note that [`diplomacy.utils.export.to_saved_game_format()`]( is by default adding the JSON of the game as a new line at the end of the file. This makes the saved file a [jsonl]( file...
@datapolitical > [crazygame.txt]( Seems to be an instance of that bug I fixed in #152. At phase S1973R, Germany is retreating to a coast: `F MAR R SPA/SC`. This later...
Yep, clicking on an app doesn't close the popup, moreover you can drag the app but not drop it. Is it a WIP or broken feature? Maybe related to #200?