
Results 9 issues of crusher42

is there any plan in the future for Authoring Tools to support Linux ? i have test it with proton not working

hi we been using this mod for a bit now and loving it but when we use the hot key for " CopySignTest " but it try to place the...


it's all set up but when it try to download the dependencies i get this `Game update failed: it was impossible to fetch the required libraries. Reason: Job 'Libraries for...

all go well untill try to download dependencies i get this `Game update failed: it was impossible to fetch the required libraries. Reason: Job 'Libraries for instance 1.13' failed to...

i been using this mod for a bit but sometimes i use similar commands like for example on some servers i use /home shop_enter with control /home shop_under with shift...

### The Problem Doesn't check if ithe required mod version safe to update ### Your Solution(s) Check mod A required mod B with a specific version not great then a...


dont know if this is the plugin is doing it but only on islandcraft world i forgot to add the report [crash-2016-12-12_11.32.46-server.txt](


me and a friend my play on a server just wondering if there's any way to sync our map directories wild 1 journeys around the other one sees it updating

### What happened? can click on the bar but cant type anything game version 1.20.1 client MultiMC 0.7.0-3813 mod list: architectury-9.1.12-fabric.jar boosted-brightness-2.2.0+1.20.1.jar chat_heads-0.10.30-fabric-1.20.jar cloth-config-11.1.118-fabric.jar cmdkeybind-1.6.3-1.20.jar completeconfig-2.5.0.jar fabric-api-0.91.0+1.20.1.jar freecam-fabric-1.2.1+1.20.jar invhud.fabric.1.20-3.4.18.jar itemscroller-fabric-1.20.1-0.20.0.jar...
