Results 32 issues of crumblingstatue

Hi! I want to say that this is a really pleasant app to use. Simple, no ads or other distractions. Thanks for making it! I have two simple feature requests....


### Description The following code ```Rust use std::sync::Mutex; fn main() { let mutex_vec = Mutex::new(vec![1, 2, 3]); for number in mutex_vec.lock().unwrap().iter() { dbg!(number); } } ``` produces this clippy output:...


Rust-analyzer has a feature to open the docs for the symbol under the cursor, but it always uses One could be using different versions of crates that aren't on...

```Rust fn main() { println!("Hello world!"); } ``` ``` playground run pass! Compiling playground v0.1.0 (/tmp/playground) Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.18s Running `target/debug/playground` Hello world! ``` ```Rust...

For instance, some examples require certain resources that are contained in a specific folder.

When I activate the zoom picker, I expect clicking somewhere to set the current color. Instead, the window I click on gets focused (causing epick to lose focus), and the...

Here is a diff of regenerating some bindings with servo/rust-bindgen over the old Yamakaky/rust-bindgen: It adds a lot of extra noise with all those extern blocks.


Egui has various functionality that deals with textures, like [Ui::image]( However, egui-macroquad doesn't seem to expose any functionality to upload or share textures between macroquad and egui. `macroquad::texture::Texture2D` cannot be...

It would be nice if rfd supported selecting and copying text on platforms where it might be possible. If a crash occurs for example, the user might want to copy...