Results 47 comments of crumblingstatue

I agree that this is confusing. For example, it makes it look like [byteorder 1.0.0]( is depending on unstable `0.x` crates, even though those are just dev-dependencies.

Thank you, that's useful information!

Thank you, that's very useful information!

Any reason you are moving the window into the scoped thread, instead of taking a mutable reference?

> *mut csfml_graphics_sys::sfRenderWindow` cannot be sent between threads safely I'm actually not sure if it really is safe to send a `sf::RenderWindow` between threads or not. I'll have to do...

That SO article is talking about SDL. Are you sure this also applies to SFML? I never had any sluggish input with SFML (But then again, not with SDL either),...

> So, how to renderer in loop, if `loop` blocks main thread? Not sure what you're asking here. If you're already doing all the rendering within the loop, why is...

@DuckerMan Well, I don't know enough about your specific problem to help, but you should consider redesigning your code so that it doesn't need sharing of RenderWindow between threads. Even...

> Not sure how complete it is @crumblingstatue could you verify the completion on scancodes? I only added the missing Scancode type and union field to restore the broken ABI,...

I think for the time being I'll make from_memory unsafe and document the behavior. It would pollute the Font/Text APIs with lifetimes to fix this more thoroughly, which I don't...