Carlos Ruiz Ballesteros
Carlos Ruiz Ballesteros
It's sad to see such a good project not updated in maven :( . What is the problem on updating the library to 1.2.0 in maven central?
> We have deployed a cloud formation template, Can you please help us how to find kurento logs, I can share with you the credentials if required. Thanks & Regards...
@hills ^bump. I also have sometimes problems on renew certificates and sending SIGUSR2. The process crash and restart again. Is this the intended behavior of certificates reloaded? Has anyone the...
Yes @hills, looks like it is working at the moment with latest dockerhub image. I basically have a certbot and coturn running with these certificates. When certbot renews the certificates...
@ziedbensalem91 It is not related with your issue, but be careful with that version. It has an exploitable CVE to make a reverse proxy on other services that are running...
Did you check that your `openvidu-browser` dependency is in the same version as OpenVidu Server?
I am thinking that maybe this is related with this similar issue: , the person on the issue managed to solve a similar issue. Also, we have demo here...
Hello @mallikarjungurav , I've researched your issue and I think I found a possible reason for your duplicated webhook responses. The key here is your phrase: > The problem is...
Check logs from OpenVidu, webhooks are resent if a failure happens.
Is the handle made asynchronously? Take for example the call to the method `openViduConnectionService.handleOpenViduEvent(uriInfo, webhookEvent);` takes too much time. If the method waits to the handling of the event before...