ffmpeg-android-java icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ffmpeg-android-java copied to clipboard

Android java library for FFmpeg binary compiled using https://github.com/writingminds/ffmpeg-android

Results 102 ffmpeg-android-java issues
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It fails to remove audio from video.. Or i say, it not working correctly for FFMPEG library command "-an"... It hangs for all the commands containing '-an'... Give me some...

Using this command line "-f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy output.wav" concat .txt file .mp3 file paths into one output.mp3 file but it is generate one audio file...

I am using [FFmpeg](https://github.com/WritingMinds/ffmpeg-android-java) to concat three Audio file combine into one - audio.m4a (get from assets) - Recorded audio.m4a (Record using MediaRecorder) - audio.m4a (get from assets) its works...

Current ffmpeg version: 2.3.3 Newest version: 4.2.2 Try https://github.com/bravobit/FFmpeg-Android Its the updated version

Hi, I am uploading my build with the ffmpeg dependency in it. Google play store show warning to add support for 64-bit till 1-Aug-2019 otherwise user won't able to install...

In android phones with language with default layout of R-T-L , after using the function ffmpeg.loadBinary() the layout change to L-T-R . this phenomena not accrued when load binary execute...

fixed issue with apps that support RTL

1 minutes and 45 seconds, about 253M video, compression time more than 2 minutes, how to solve the shorter compression time.

execFFmpegBinary(new String[]{"-y", "-i", path, "-s", "160x120", "-r", "25", "-vcodec", "mpeg4", "-b:v", "150k", "-b:a", "48000", "-ac", "2", "-ar", "22050", filePath}); auto rotate after compress is there any solution?