ffmpeg-android-java icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ffmpeg-android-java copied to clipboard

Android java library for FFmpeg binary compiled using https://github.com/writingminds/ffmpeg-android

Results 102 ffmpeg-android-java issues
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is any one there from the original developers of this library to provide the support for 64 bit architecture??? at least guide us to a genuine solution...

Hi, I'm writing an app in Kotlin, using an Android 9 device for debugging, and when I try to load the ffmpeg executable the onPostExecute method of the FFmpegLoadLibraryAsyncTask never...

Can I have an example of input array you put into the ffmpeg.execute function ?? I have input String[] testCmd = new String[]{-verion} but it have this : 2020-12-31 17:36:38.911...

Hi , I am using following command to compress video in android . but it takes more time. e.g for 1 min video it takes 50sec to compress. -y -i...

I ran the command line below to frame count. But error has occurred. `ffmpeg -i video -c copy -f null -` Logs ``` 2018-12-04 13:16:31.571 3498-3498/com.example E/>>>onProgress: Trailing options were...

Does anybody know how to merge 3 or more audio with video writing a command. Also I am working on Android Studio so command must be like this. String command[...

I created small video editing tool with which you can put some overlay images to the video and show them at specific locations and durations (filter: overlay=enabled(from, to...), etc.). Now...

Hello I want to implement PixelationFilter in my video using ffmpeg. I am not able to find correct command for PixelationFilter. Can you guys please help me for PixelationFilter. I...

Hi, First of all thank you so much for this great library. While using the slow motion command , in some cases either the video is getting corrupted or giving...