Lúcás Meier

Results 8 issues of Lúcás Meier

Removing a dependency on Porcelain would be nice just to avoid the startup message about downloading goon. The communication we're doing across pipes could be done with the existing port...


Given the following code snippet: ```haskell foo = 3 where a = 2 infixr 7 `bar` bar = (+) ``` on every formatting run, a new line is inserted between...


This fixes #9, by adding the missing proof from the paper. I also found that the paper had a few typos, and so I made sure to note those deviations...

Closes #3978 Checking that the ak is not the identity may not be necessary? It's what spend does, but I don't think you need it here.


To merge https://github.com/penumbra-zone/penumbra/pull/3962, we disabled these tests, because they were spuriously failing, because the order of checks we performed was different. These tests expect a specific error message related to...


See https://github.com/cronokirby/cait-sith/blob/e08a60f7601cc8d20ad78973e13ff1b7318f453b/src/triples/random_ot_extension.rs#L23C1-L43 for where this happens. Using a constant-time hash is necessary here, because we don't want to leak information about the values being hashed.
