Andrew Doyle
Andrew Doyle
I have a different Windows 10 error, `BIDSLayout`, doesn't raise an error when I give it a path to a BIDS dataset (freshly downloaded from OpenNeuro), but doesn't find any...
OMG IT WORKS! I was not expecting this at all, they've definitely made some improvements
I have the same problem. My error message: `openslide.lowlevel.OpenSlideError: Can't validate JPEG for directory 25: Expected marker at 22305208318, found none`. I am willing to work on this if any...
I'm pretty sure that there are multiple conventions used by minc files and that's the source of a lot of the confusion. I tried to dig into this a while...
Waiting for the user_registration pull request ( #434 ) to be approved before starting this, as the email support configuration is added for the first time there.
I'm getting the same grid artifacts using caffenet, to a lesser extent with googlenet.