Cristian Bica

Results 22 comments of Cristian Bica

We need to fix it for 4.2 as it will be included in 4.2. I've created a sample app at The issue seems to be that the default `method_missing`...

Actually the problem is with `ActionMailer::Base`'s `method_missing`: ``` [8] pry(main)> TestMailer.method(:method_missing) => # ``` The real problem isn't rails as it is a ruby mixins issue. Ruby's `include` isn't suitable...

Actually it will fix it: ``` [1] pry(main)> TestMailer.test_email.class => ActionMailer::DeliverLater::MailMessageWrapper [2] pry(main)> TestMailer.test_email.deliver_later Enqueued ActionMailer::DeliverLater::Job (Job ID: 422c4472-2d94-4151-8074-7202008fe4dd) to Inline(active_jobs_mailers) with arguments: "TestMailer", "test_email", "deliver" ``` But `ActiveSupport::Concern` doesn't...

While this works the Module#prepend is a ruby 2.0+ method and rails 4.2 will still support ruby 1.9.3. So we'll have to find another solution

To make this work as a gem we need to monkey patch ActionMailer::Base but as the plan is to merge activejob and this into rails we can hook directly into...

Yep. I'll give it a try later today. I think we should skip the integration tests as it adds a lot of dependencies (gems and system - redis, postgres, rabbitmq),...


I don't know how to do that and I don't think we need to add tens of commits to rails-- Cristian Bica On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:02 PM,...

Ok. There are some changes in Rakefile, railtie.rb, test/cases/logging_test.rb-- Cristian Bica On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Abdelkader Boudih [email protected] wrote: > ## I already did it when...

Remove them and if rails team decides they should be added we'll add them-- Cristian Bica On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:44 PM, Abdelkader Boudih [email protected] wrote: > ##...