Cristian Felipe Patiño Rojas
Cristian Felipe Patiño Rojas
I too think this would be absolutely great. More and more apps are implementing the double brackets system (notable, bear, zettlr, the archive, 1writer for the ipad, ... ) so...
Hello @addam , I'm a trying to do the steps you describe, but I'm a bit lost. I've installed the transformer through npm, but still doesn't work, seems there a...
Hi @martbern, It seems that Hugo is searching for the json that populates the post list at: "" which doesn't exist. It should be using "". I use the theme...
Great! Let me know once you get the production ready version if you want me to add it to the under the "sites using zettles" section (or just do...
Hey @milafrerichs , thank's for the kind words. You can reuse the code as you want 👍
Hi @Arty2! Thank's for the suggestion. To be honest I'm a newbie regarding Hugo so I don't really know how modules work, but I indeed think It would be a...
Hi Robin 👋, thank's for the interest. My notes site uses a custom system built with SvelteKit called [BearKit](, Zettels Hugo theme was my first attempt to port Bear UI...
Hi @robin-lwx, hope your enjoying the holiday season. I've just put together a prototype app for generating websites from Bear. If you're still interested, here's a survey I made: