Crhistian Ramirez
Crhistian Ramirez
This has some good stuff. Anybody able to merge? @Gbuomprisco
Seems like that PR has been sitting there for a while now, not sure if this is being maintained anymore. Anybody have a workaround besides forking?
Any chance we can get these merged in? Would be nice to have
Running into this as well :( @SpeedoPasanen your gist is no longer accessible :(
@JulesP96 this worked perfectly thank you. One thing that tripped me up - notice that Connection string is *not* being replaced here and isn't surrounded by `%` it is literally...
what's the solution?
Would be great to have this in the README.
Here's a work-around I came up with. a bit hacky but it does the trick. We use underscore and have full jquery but I'm sure if anyone needs this they...
Workaround: ```javascript import 'angular-auto-validate/dist/jcs-auto-validate.min' angular.module('app', ['jcs-autoValidate']) ```