No I'm not. The reads are in response to a user input (actually a button push in a GUI which communicates with the software in question by TCP). The GUI,...
I have some fresh data. My problems with read-value() have continued, and of course I have another potential culprit in the Arduino 101 code too. To address this I loaded...
After much changing code and other investigations, I'm now at the point that the error is a timeout. In the meantime, I've become convinced the problem is in my Arduino...
I've been working on this issue for weeks now, but today made a breakthrough, with a reproducible cause. It's the analogRead() which is to blame. I tried all 6 pins...
Here is an update to the sketch which demonstrates the problem. It has 37 lines. Using, for example, LightBlue on an iPhone reveals the problem. Commenting out line 35 `laserVolts...