
Results 7 issues of Creotip

Ackee counting unique page on every page refresh. Using next.js with next following code in _app.tsx: ```jsx import { Box, ChakraProvider, useColorModeValue } from '@chakra-ui/react' import type { AppProps }...

help wanted

**Describe the bug** I used an example from the docs. There is prepended slash to query value that is appended to the URL. for example: `` should be: `` How...

IMO must-have in modern projects. a simple reference:

Trying to get all existing categories with the following method: ``` async getAllCategories() { try { const response = await this.apiRoot .withProjectKey({ projectKey: this.projectKey }) .categories() .get() .execute() return response.body.results...

The foundation v4 comes with off-canvas type menu. What do you think guys to implement this kind of menu?

Hi. Do you have an RTL Support?

Great plugin. Can you advise how to use this code in joomla?