please change the app icon, the version 5.0+ icon isn't looking good. And it won't automatically play the music again in the background, for example, search a Lady Gaga's...
In file ./lib/Qt4.rb, before 'module Qt' 'require "#{ruby_version}/qtruby4"' should be changed to './lib/Qt/qtruby4' After this change, the code still won't run. ruby2.5 x86 raise an error, In ./lib/Qt/qtruby4.rb:3079: in `initialize':...
[fmt]( 对应的markdown代码是 '''html {font style="background:red"}hello world{/font} '''
在&lite=js里,如果一个回复的recommend值为10,则此回复会带有特殊标签,比如“全隐”“锁定”等等。 比如tid=28743773、26217637、28743773