
Results 35 issues of cregouby

This enable the capability to bypass cluster healthcheck in deployment where it is restricted

# Current behavour `$movedim()` use 0-indexed dimensions for its parameters source and destination. This is not expected, create a lot of confusion is the {torch} perfect world where everything is...

Hello, Is there a chance that lantern get compiled and provide support for running on non-nvidia GPU cards through [PlaidML]( & OpenCL 1.2 or any alternative ?

Hello, `torch_bernoulli()` distribution is failing on CUDA device with the following error message ``` Error in (function (self, generator) : Expected a 'cuda' device type for generator but found 'cpu'...

## Description Add support of list column missing value in `shade` ## Related Issue fix #277 `visdat::vis_miss()` dependancy will be fixed by ## Example ```r > star_1 % select(vehicles,...

Hello, Since the its introduction in dlpyr in 2015, list columns becomes more and more widely used and popular within the tidyverse. It would be very usefull to have naniar...

and fix

**Brief description of the problem** `*_gaps` are a very usefull set of commands. And I would love to be able to use them on irregular longitudinal data with `start` and...

index 🕰

Hello, Explore_dataset function seems very promising, It would be great to support lists in the 'explore_dataset' function, at least covering the standard dataset that are now included in dplyr :...
