Jinxi Wang

Results 13 comments of Jinxi Wang

Thank you. Maybe it's wrong to do so. This idea comes from the fourth parameter of the PHP function json_decode() when options=JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING Https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.json-decode.php

@TysonAndre You are now a Collaborator, you have permission, you can directly operate :)

@kocsismate thank you very much! It is a good idea to make it available through PECL

@0robin0 可以将service,consumer抽出来单独作为两个项目吗,有的人只关注consumer这一块,或者service这块。抽出来的话,就比较专一,灵活了,维护起来也方便。: )

@hhofchina 此框架有一个重构版本,可以查看下:https://github.com/crazyxman/dubbo-php-framework

@lovepoem Yes, the review request has been sent to the mailing list: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/ed93f24abc88d3a4d64825b8ad488ea55b9d33fcd925d5edd790f9e5%40%3Cdev.dubbo.apache.org%3E

@run0817 可以使用通过composer引入即可

@xinshengsiyu 大部分主流框架都运行在php-fpm下,如果只是当成consumer使用,只需安装下swoole扩展,不会对现有服务造成影响,composer接入几乎没成本

@xinshengsiyu 需要的

@run0817 cli下也能使用