> Take a look at the [form prompt examples]( > > Here's a way to achieve something similar to what you want: > > ```js > 'use strict'; > >...
确实有这个问题,babel7 两个实例,第二个 style function无效 ``` fixBabelImports('import', { libraryName: 'antd', libraryDirectory: 'es', style: true, }), fixBabelImports('myUI', { libraryName: 'myUI', libraryDirectory: 'build', style: name => { if (HasCssComponents.includes(name)) { return `${name}.css`; }...
DateRangePicker 交互有点反人类,能不能第一下点击都是开始,第二下点击都是结束? 需要用户点击对应的开始结束框才进入选择对应开始或者结束日期模式,很不直观啊
@popomore 这个功能考虑下? 感觉这个交互会更好,列出全部选项,根据可选的关键词过滤,或者把find增强一下
is this project not maintained? such a big bug persist so long without merged
> 除了文档中的参数目前还没有其他支持的计划,不妨可以说说你用到的配置项,我们根据优先级进行支持。 url. filter 自定义解析函数,有些css中的url地址不希望解析成模块,希望直接引用地址不解析(历史项目 ``` url('/absoule/path/image.png') => require('./image.png') ```
> @crazyxhz this is due to absolute imports you do in tsconfig, I think rspack doesn't allow absolute imports. > > You can solve this by following this ->
按照报错提示的 异步加载组件,引用了less module,简单demo无问题, 这个组件在codebase中 使用了alias路径,同样最小demo没有复线
我是基于rspack封装的cli,配置比较麻烦,我把传入rspack 前最后的config打印了一下,看看这样可以么,辛苦 ``` { stats: 'errors-warnings', mode: 'production', devtool: 'source-map', entry: { pageA: '/Users/[replaced-user-path]/src/pageA/index.jsx', pageB: '/Users/[replaced-user-path]/src/pageB/index.jsx', 'comb-report': '/Users/[replaced-user-path]/src/common/pages/report/export.jsx' }, output: { path: '/Users/[replaced-user-path]/dist', filename: 'static/js/[name].[contenthash:8].js', chunkFilename: 'static/js/[name].[contenthash:8].chunk.js', assetModuleFilename: 'static/media/[name].[hash][ext]', publicPath:...