Dominic Beinenz

Results 16 comments of Dominic Beinenz

Wildcard support would be perfect (but not only for ignores) I plan to define a regexp to forbid some file-extensions ```yml ls: components/assets: .dir: kebab-case .png: kebab-case .*: regex:only-png-files-allowed ```

same problem here... missing all "assets" (file-loader, CopyWebpackPlugin) @--watch at build-nr >= 2 thx!

Maybe. If someone needs, I build my own small (typescript) loader as a workaround ```javascript (compiler: Compiler) => { let cachedAssets: string[] = [] compiler.hooks.emit.tap('compilation', async (compilation: webpack.compilation.Compilation) => {...

I have the problem that I have two account at my work. a "normal-user" and a "admin-user". If I install nvm he writes the env values to the "admin-user". but...

Win7 x64, but I think the Problem is that the account for installing nvm and the account for using nvm are nor the same. thx

yeah, this was my solution at my agancy too. set the path manually. but then all is working! only if i want to change a version I had to insert...

would be cool to have an **intendifier** to know the render "phase". At the moment I use a variable ``` private async asyncBootstrap() { this.asyncBootstrapPhase = true; ... } public...

at the moment all three files MUST BE inside the "cwd" ``` schema.graphql schema.prisma keystone.ts ``` if you change the "cwd" before for example to `src` you got ugly `src/node_modules`...

my current workaround: I generate "ts-forward-file" and two symlinks (and hide these files at my editor) keystone.ts ``` import keystone from './src/keystone' export default keystone ``` symlinks (windows) ``` mklink...

my typescript solution / workaround: ```typescript'/', jwtAuth, graphqlHTTPOptions200, graphqlHTTPError200, graphqlHTTP({ schema: makeExecutableSchema({typeDefs: [DIRECTIVES, SCHEMEA], resolvers: schemaResolvers}), graphiql: false, })) ``` ```typescript function graphqlHTTPError200(request: Request, response: Response, next: NextFunction): void...