Jerry Ma
Jerry Ma
My opinion, just use `go()` everywhere. And `main()` I usually use `if(!debug_backtrace()){ ... }` as main wrapper like Python `if __name__ == "__main__"`
> My opinion, just use `go()` everywhere. And `main()` I usually use `if(!debug_backtrace()){ ... }` as main wrapper like Python `if __name__ == "__main__"` `Co\run()` only can be used at...
Recently I tried to build an php statically linked binary with swoole and some other extensions, to make php **real** portable, flexible. But I have some trouble, like this issue....
> Recently I tried to build an php statically linked binary with swoole and some other extensions, to make php **real** portable, flexible. But I have some trouble, like this...
Another problem: when using `--enable-swoole-curl` option, it shows `multiple definition of _php_curl_verify_handlers` and some same type errors. Maybe caused by curl extension and swoole extension compilation order?
> Another problem: when using `--enable-swoole-curl` option, it shows `multiple definition of _php_curl_verify_handlers` and some same type errors. Maybe caused by curl extension and swoole extension compilation order? configure arguments:...
> @crazywhalecc ty for this > > > > it saves my life. it's written by me, a temporary solution 😢 , and this issue is created for it.
> And did `--enable-shared=no` and `--enable-static=yes` work for you? > > Also, I had to add a `sed -i 's/-export-dynamic/-all-static/g' Makefile` to work. Yeah, it's the only solution for compiling...
炸毛框架目前没有打算直接实现关于其他平台的 Adapter(目前实现了 OneBot 11 和 OneBot 10 标准的聊天机器人适配器),但会实现转换器,例如内置一个将微信公众号官方接口适配器(实现原理为将其转换为 OneBot 标准)。 关于频道一块内容,OneBot 12 协议正在商讨制定当中。目前所有频道 API 在 OneBot 11 标准中的表现形式均以 go-cqhttp 为基础,官方 QQ 频道机器人的支持将会放入独立的新项目中进行。
最终决定并入仓库编写适配器,但是目前还没有 demo,如果可以提供一些 demo 将会减少很多工作量!谢谢