for the attached xml file, which is converted from a json string, it returns null. however, for some other xml files with absolute same structure, just different inner text, it...
trojan+tcp的fallback是成功的。但trajan+ws+tls fallback,浏览器访问返回404 XrayR中trajan+ws+tls fallback部分的配置: EnableFallback: true # Only support for Trojan and Vless FallBackConfigs: # Support multiple fallbacks - SNI: # TLS SNI(Server Name Indication), Empty for any Alpn: #...
我的节点目前也就几十个人在用,但已经两天封一次端口了,害怕。一个CMI一个CN2,都这样了,用的trojan协议。以后如果用户增加个十倍以上,岂不是天天封ip了,那还搞个毛。 1.目前有考虑改用naiveproxy,但据说也可能被封, 不知道被封的概率?另外就是比较缺少支持的客户端。 2.请问从封端口到封ip大概多久?或者换多少次端口后就基本会被封ip? 3.用所谓隧道中转的话,隧道本身是在什么情况下会被封?隧道更不容易被封的原因仅仅因为其是单ip连国外,还是因为其协议,或者其它?目前暂不考虑真IPLC之类巨贵的中转。 请问现在有啥办法能让节点较长期活着,比如两月不被封端口。 *My nodes have only a couple dozen people using them at the moment, but they've been blocking ports once every two days, I'm afraid....
let's discuss things about funcaptcha in this telegram group @funcaptchaStudy pls keep this issue open :-)
let's discuss things about funcaptcha in this telegram group @funcaptchaStudy pls keep this issue open :-)
arkose sever need to decrypt the encrypted bda that client side send to it, right? then how does it do this? I don't see client side send key & iv...
looks like all became difficult ones since 2.2.3?
let's discuss things about funcaptcha in this telegram group @funcaptchaStudy pls keep this issue open :-)
I see the X-Requested-ID generated by your codes is shorter than that in yours be like: {"ct":"732L8F5Ni188RpM/epIwZQ==","iv":"3023dea77d1147da32a670e3322ea609","s":"6467716e6f697375"} real X-Requested-ID in {"ct":"Y+Fs0iFY7jjMBnE8BQWuzdK6CUAW+x22WdphEkzDOZg=","iv":"097aedc979ad4b6968c55b74ea706212","s":"3f9f76996190e4e3"}