
Results 23 comments of Weiwei

hello,i want to know that every differrent images need to train the net repeatly?

hello,i want to know that every differrent images need to train the net repeatly? @smolsnastya

hello,who have the wild dataset,i don't know the email of Rob Cooper (BBC),your help will be useful for my reseach,thank you !

@jigyasubagai sorry,now i can't get the code of wild, now am waitting the password of database

hello,anyone try to train the model with another language? if it can be used in another language will be wonderful!

hello,do you try to train the model with another language? if it can be used in another language will be wonderful! @robbiebarrat

the predicting result is bad or the training is unsuccessful ? now i am intending to train this with bbc datasets,do you try that,and how about the result? @robbiebarrat

hello,do you train wild datasets with this method, and how about the result?i am intending to do this @slashstar

hello,when i train,there are 5000 epochs,but when i run to the 200 epochs,the process is stop,i have 2 gpu,i don't know why? @robbiebarrat @rizkiarm

ok,thank you , i will try @michiyosony