@mingwandroid yes, maybe you're idea is quite simple: this library is useful and try making it better. Even for an offline tool, memory leak can cause work suspended. For...
There's fixe for MDK's keyboard if I remember. EDIT: There's a "Get Interrupt Context" function added to the the fork (, guess it is already implemented in HX? It's a...
OS: win10 x64 10.0.19043.1083 qbittorrent enhanced: v4.3.6.10
> Maybe it is a private torrent? Definitely NOT. Most private trackers ban XL AFAIK, and my private tracker bans both XL & qBEE. So I don't use qBEE for...
OK, thanks.
> Yeah it seems possible. But UWP Sandbox limitations will void many of the mechaisms we are using (network, IPC etc), so there's a lot of work to do. Okay....
After more testing, I think the scale performance problem doesn't only exist in 3D. I ran starcraft to test ddraw, in original resolution the games runs good, with extra scales,...
Same here, and the rain drops on front glass are shown as quads.