David Conran

Results 94 comments of David Conran

I believe we have tried this [before](https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266/issues/1493#issuecomment-900232738). Please see the rest of #1493 for other efforts we've tried. > So I was wondering, is there a specific reason for having...

> Thanks for the links. I will have a look at the previous attempts. > One of my users is already doing some quick preliminary tests to see if it...

> even causes some (small) increase in build size. Okay, that was an unexpected result. Thanks for the confirmation.

FYI, you'll also need to update the unit tests for this protocol, now that it has detailed support mostly. eg. https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266/runs/7417257804?check_suite_focus=true#step:6:2292

Friendly ping. How it going?

If you can decode and work out in the protocol how it does half degrees, we can add it. Some brands/models do support half degrees. Also, some brands/models _lie_ and...

> But the used commands by the remote are different. > > Is it possible that the AC does understand different protocols? Yes, We have seen some A/Cs accept multiple...

> Also after some investigation ant trying, I am quite shure that the AC is controlable in half steps. > > Personally I think this could be an approtch by...

@AntonWert I've written the code to do basic sending and decoding of your 312 bit / 39 byte Daikin A/C Protocol. Please download & test branch: https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266/tree/Daikin312 / PR #1836...

I will try to find time to look at this. I've been very busy of late with other things. The advantage of Google Docs/sheets or similar is that it's a...