Sorry but this section makes no sense to a Linux Mint user:- "You can find the configuration file at \appsettings.json. This file is included in every release and so may...
Thanks for that. I placed it in /home/{user}/.config/smtp4dev/ alongside the database.db. One more thing though, there's no info about how to access the UI. It's no use without. I'm developing...
Thanks, I can't get it to start I'm afraid so probably bailing out. But FYI, I get this (Linux Mint 20.2 DOTNET 5.0):- craig@TIUCL-XPS15:~$ smtp4dev smtp4dev version .NET...
@aaronamm I'm afraid I gave up and now use [mailtrap]( instead. It just works. Good luck.
Linux Mint 20.1 here. I just want a simple screen colour picker. This app drives me crazy. I can pick a colour from anywhere on the screen, but when I...
Found the answer here: So this could be closed, though I'd suggest a "Site integration" section be added to the wiki to cover this common scenario ;)
+1 from me. Love the term "evergreen browsers". Though I wouldn't include Edge in that list as we still have to hack for it as it doesn't accept "crossorigin" in...
- Nordic Logistics Association - - EU Lobbying - Transport
Thanks Jeavon. I just tried it and find that "SlimsyHelper" doesn't exist in the current context. I'm using the v3.0.0-beta5 version.
Thanks for the steer Jeavon. I'm altering the code to pass through the crop I need. However, it'd be great if Slimsy had a method you can apply to media.cshtml...