Craig Little
Craig Little
I use `on_transition` in our app, but I don't see any reason why `on_enter` can't work in its stead. What was your reasoning for including `on_transition` in the first place?...
Er, yeah, I meant `v1.0.0` (or, I guess, `v0.12.0`). :)
Thank you for taking the time to contribute, @oelmekki. I understand how this can be an issue, but I'm inclined to take it in a different direction. I'm reluctant to...
@xlts I think the [`clavius`]( gem might provide the behavior you're looking for. Check out the `Clavius.between` method.
I'm interested in the problem you're trying to solve, but I'm not quite sure I follow what you're looking for. Could you provide a rough sketch of the API and...
@philrosenstein Have you considered the [`biz`]( gem? (I'm the maintainer.) It exhibits behavior that might fit your use case well: ``` >> SUNDAY_AFTERNOON = Time.utc(2016, 8, 14, 14) => 2016-08-14...