Craig Dallimore
Craig Dallimore
In *13.09* an exercise reads "Try using the First monoid, defined in purescript-monoids with the foldMap function to preserve the first error in case of failure." I can find it...
Hello [In Chapter 12]( there is an example showing `Control.Monad.Parallel`. I couldn't find it in Pursuit, is it `Control.Parallel`? Also, in the final exercises for that chapter: > your continuation...
Hello! I was finding that I was getting a runtime _TypeError_ when taking the `Left` path on the exercises in 12.7. I suspect that we're expecting the argument to the...
It might be nice to be able to resize the panels by dragging the central split rather than having it locked at halfway (when the split is vertical).
At the moment instantiating a REPL is a one-way street - it sets up event listeners and modifies the DOM without any concern for how it can put everything back...