Craig Anderson

Results 17 issues of Craig Anderson

We've been using django-rest-swagger to document our API which is working pretty well, but it can be annoying when endpoints have complex permission requirements. For example, we have list endpoints...

### Is your proposal related to a problem? I have a block of code which is triggering #23. ``` Hello, world! ``` Before that issue is being fixed, I'd like...


I've been trying to ensure all sensitive data we send to our queue is encrypted, which includes some short-lived tokens I send by email. [kombu-fernet-serializers]( is doing a great job...

I'm scraping a listing of events and storing them in an `Event` model. This model inherits from [`model_utils.models.TimeStampedModel`]( which gives auto-populated `created` and `updated` fields, which I find useful. Unfortunately,...

**Describe the bug** A badly formatted query can result in a panic: `resolve() must be implemented by non-object output types`. **To Reproduce** Using the API at, I was trying...


On Python 3.9 with `pyexcel-xls` and `pyexcel-xlsx` installed, I'm not able to upload .xslx files. AttributeError: 'ElementTree' object has no attribute 'getiterator' ``` Saving workbook from spreadsheet.xlsx Internal Server Error:...

I'm seeing some odd behaviour when I send a request to Zencoder from behind our corporate proxy. It looks like an extra set `Content-Type` header is being set, which causes...