
Results 23 comments of cr0hn

I’m sorry. I have not time to check this issue. Can anyone help me?

I just merged some PR that aims to fix this issues in version 1.0.8.

Thx :) Of course I'm open to collaborate with `apispec` the project! It looks so good. Currently I have no time (I working in other 3 projects) but, if hoy...

Hi. Not currently. The project is still in a very early state

Use of `path_prefix` could be good idea, but initially I choose this approach thinking in simplicity. You're right that in the `swagger_path` is missing the consideration of relative / absolute...

Hi. @pascal-de-ladurantaye I invite you or anyone to fix this issue and send a PR. Even more: if anyone that want to be collaborator of the project, I have no...

Sorry If I not merged the PR. As I said I have not enough free time and some times I forgot to follow all the projects issues. I juste merged...

Thanks for the report. I’ll check them

Hi @psiinon! What's about pull requests?