
Results 16 issues of cr08

I am very curious since there's already support for other TX hardware, any chance of adding support for FL2K dongles? Been doing some playing around off and on trying to...

Low priority feature request but thought it might be useful for some. But since we already have a manual clip download function, is it possible we can have an automated/scheduled...

needs testing

Maybe this occurs automatically but hoping someone can clarify if there's a setting I can configure for this? Doesn't seem like there's much documentation to go on. As the subject...

needs testing

Hoping this isn't a duplicate issue. I was not able to locate anyone else here mentioning it. Simple enough, but it seems like in my own use case the channel...

### Checklist - [X] I have checked the [issue page]( for duplicates - [X] I am running the latest version ([download here]( ### Describe your issue here Not sure if...


Currently I am working on a fork of this code, basically making it standalone outside HA for my own (and potentially public use in the future) use. The more I...

I recently discovered after having this integration installed in my HA instance for a while that the AutonomicData script existed and all the juicy details provided from it. I'm interested...

Doesn't seem to be too much documentation on how to proceed with this process so just figuring things out as I go along. Determined that the files in this repo...

Subject TL;DR. Would be a nice-to-have feature I think. The idea boils down to also adding in app or API level access to your Mastodon account and compare the follows...

Just came across this project and looks amazing. I'm starting to dabble in some Euro/American Truck Sim stuff. In that space there are replacement shifter knobs for common wheel setups...