I find the problem. In etc/sftp.d/, it uses partner1 and partner2 as default but in etc/sftp/users.conf, it uses user1 and user2 as default so when run the deployment, it will...
hi, the log on http://my-jenkins-server-ip:8080/log/all shows no error and no fail messages. log snippet as follow, bb3c4235d8a2 is the commit num, and the jenkins just keep building the same commit...
hi, follow are two consecutive builds logs commit id is 2ecb0aca4a68 ` OnlyDestFlag using filter: ^(develop)$ Aug 15, 2019 2:30:49 PM INFO bitbucketpullrequestbuilder.bitbucketpullrequestbuilder.BitbucketPullRequestsBuilder run Build Start. Aug 15, 2019 2:30:49...