Oh now i get it. Sad tough. Is there any way to force the note to render an iframe? or just the area where the embed would be?
I second that. It would also help with any limitations someone might find with performance or amount of files/folders (as it would also allow to have different exes targeting different...
Adding to that original post, i got to 382.192 files before i decided it wasnt worth pressing the stress testing any further (and at that point it was getting out...
> Adding a few points: > > 1. Just curious if anyone has tested Allusion on SSD? Currently I have my Allusion library all on HDD and it takes a...
I cam here just to request that (and open in new tab too!!)
+1. Theres also other cases, for example the quicknote plugin(and similars) create new notes on a new window (but then it brings the big window to foreground too)
Yup im o windows 10. Ryzen 5 3600, 16 ram. Might be something on how microsoft handles things. Thats why i sugested some form of 'minimize'- it wouldnt eliminate the...