
Results 34 comments of cpkio

@venzen You mean `sqlite.lua`. I used it for my personal logger plugin, extremely simple to use.

It seems to be about `#` sign and `txt` ftype, not a goneovim issue.

Im'm using Nvim 0.5.1 on Windows 10 x64. The text is UTF8 cyrillics.

I think this should be enough. ``` Над таблицей «Участки недропользования» расположены кнопки :button:`Создать`, :button:`Удалить`, :button:`Редактировать`, :button:`Просмотр`, :button:`Экспорт в csv` и :button:`Показать на карте`. Описание функций этих кнопок указано в...

It would be nice to expose to Mustache temlplates: - tags descriptions - security schemes descriptions

You have Hello world plugin samples in C# and Python installed automatically.

the SCREEN tags in DOCBOOK-XSL actually boils down to `` you can play with `wrap`, this should help

You can take a look [here](https://github.com/vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf) too, and see the closed issues (like [this](https://github.com/vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf/issues/37)).

**Blockdiag** directive behaviour is inconsistent with **graphwiz** directive behaviour. For Graphwiz you should write: ``` !dot(scheme-01.svg)(Scheme) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ digraph { ministry; financial; institution; contractor; subcontractor; ministry -> institution -> contractor ->...