Results 6 comments of cpg314

WIP here:

I can also confirm the issue. As a temporary fix, on can directly call `apheleia-inhibit` in a hook, e.g. ```elisp (setq-hook! 'web-mode-hook apheleia-inhibit t) ```

Thanks for the details! Yes, in my use case, where I want to guarantee that data ends up on the right shard for distribued JOINs, having queries fail is better...

> If the labels of two citations match, there is no way to distinguish between them. I've seen solutions where unique letter is added at the end: Sur02a, Sur02b. ##...

Similar issue with wezterm. On terminal opening ![image]( After typing one letter: ![image]( So it looks like the initial width is not properly determined. If I do the following three...

> The fuzzy matcher returns a number based on how well the given string matches, but that number is not used anywhere to order the results. This often means even...