Cameron Pfiffer

Results 23 issues of Cameron Pfiffer

From Slack, this causes an error in Turing 8.3: ```julia using Turing data = [ 0.388235 0.388235 0.388235 0.388235; 0.388235 0.388235 0.388235 0.388235; 0.388235 0.388235 0.388235 0.388235; ] @model mixture(x)...

Someone noted to me that FixedEffectModels.jl is tricky to use AD on because there are so many explicit `Float64` type constraints -- does anyone have a good sense of how...


I wanted to collate some of the longer-term goals for MCMCChains. I think many of us would agree that MCMCChains is quite stable at this point. It generally works well,...

MCMCChains could use some model selection tools, like - [x] [Leave-one-out cross-validation]( - [ ] [BIC]( - [ ] [WAIC]( Further recommendations are welcome, I'll add them to the list...


See [this Tweet]( for an example, and [this paper]( for a method to compute the envelope see in the Tweet.


Julia essentially locks up when trying to render a Jupyter notebook with an animation through weave. I am also unable to send a SIGTERM with the keyboard, and I have...

I wish I could be more specific about the problems in the issue description, but I'm having a hard time codifying them. I've gotten singular exceptions, non-PD exceptions, and non-Hermitian...

I'm not sure if this is a dataframe error or a MLDataUtils error. Using the below MWE: ```julia using MLDataUtils using RDatasets data = RDatasets.dataset("ISLR", "Default"); train, test = MLDataUtils.splitobs(data,...

One thing I have always wanted to do is write more tutorials that empirical and theoretical economists can use to inform how they do their research. @trappmartin recently reminded me...

@torfjelde the BNN tutorial is failing because ```julia update(q, (μ, exp.(ω))) ``` doesn't seem to work anymore, because `update` doesn't seem to be exported anymore. I tried calling ```julia Variational.update(q,...