Chronos Phaenon Eosphoros
Chronos Phaenon Eosphoros
They pass on 5.2. I've noticed this on my fork, but it happens with pure 30log, too. I couldn't find the reason for that, though.
Fix Telescope excpetion with "unpack" when reporting errors with Lua 5.2 or 5.3
Title says it all. Code says it better than words, so, here is a code demonstration (with the irrelevant entries stripped from the tables): ``` local Class = require "30log.30log-clean"...
Would it be possible to make the "Do until X" and "With Surplus" bills work with multiple results/ingredients, please?
From: I think this should be somewhere in the wiki and/or in-game pedia: MatGB said: > There are three rounds of combat per turn. In each round, all weapons...
Hot reloads the plugin in the current editor. It will unregister the plugin and register it again, in order to avoid sideffects like duplicate menu entries, etc.