Christian Packard
Christian Packard
I just ran into the same error. No idea what caused it, but commenting out the `unicode` module in `$DOOMDIR/init.el` and running `doom sync` allowed me to restart Emacs without...
**Update:** deleting the cache file `~/.emacs.d/.local/cache/pcache/unicode-fonts` and restarting emacs fixed the issue for me. Digging into the `unicode-fonts-setup` function from the stacktrace, I found that the issue was the bad...
@TheWitheredStriker I was able to get a basic scene running with a REPL and the `log` function like below (click to toggle each step): 1. Installing Arcadia with Unity Follow...
> Woah! That's incredible, and in deep detail! Thank you so much, Christian! > > So the go-to-way to create and attach Clojure scripts is by using the REPL? No...
@viniciusxboxdev just curious, is something not working for you? I'm new to löve but I'm running version 11.4 and was able to refactor the [animation tutorial]( to use anim8 without...