Chris Pacia

Results 26 comments of Chris Pacia

Testing this case I have no seen this issue.

Adding new refactoring tasks.. - There are a number of places where we create a pb.Listing and pass it around through a number of functions. We should find these areas...

We do intend to. The biggest hold up for us is to do so we have to migrate IPFS up several versions at the same time as we switch to...

@beckel that error usually means the client is not fully synced. It could probably be made more descriptive. If it is fully synced and you're still getting it, are you...

Hi @hiddsd The version in the release is currently from before the last hardfork. I'll have to build another release with the most recent code. At the moment I've been...

The current code in the master branch is working after the fork and you can use it if you'd like. Currently working on using this code in OpenBazaar. Don't know...

You can get the keys out by using `listaddress` `listkeys` or `getkey` from the terminal.

can you paste the contents of the order json here? It would also help if you could also get the moderator to paste his copy of the order json as...

Thanks we'll get it straightened out. Initially it looks to me like somehow negative numbers for the payout were sent. Not sure how that happened yet though.

Can you give me some information about what was happening when the buyer tried to close it? It looks to me like the order was fine through that step. Was...