Results 12 comments of Wei Zhao

I have same problem. I found code, `if transactionState == .restored { print("Unexpected restored transaction for payment \(transactionProductIdentifier)") }` no callback be executed

NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads = NO,是允许http请求?

Thank you for your reply. "This plugin only causes Babel to compile generators to that code you posted" What does that mean? The input code is ```js function* foo() {}...

This is the role of `{"helper":true}`, not `{"regenerator":true}`. It seems that whether `regenerator` is `true` or `false`, the result does not change. For example ```json { "plugins": [ "@babel/plugin-transform-regenerator", [...

@nyngwang If I don't use `@babel/plugin-transform-regenerator`, the `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime` can not transform generator functions. ```json { "plugins": [ [ "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime", { "helpers": true, "regenerator": true, "version": "^7.23.8" } ] ] }...

@nyngwang `@babel/preset-env` incudes `@babel/plugin-transform-regenerator`, I think this is `@babel/plugin-transform-regenerator` to transform generator functions not `@babel/plugin-transform-runtime`. Extract inlined usage of generatorRuntime into @babel/runtime is option `{helper: true}` not `{regenerator: true}` My...

@nyngwang I'm sorry for the trouble. First of all, I just asked what function `regenerator` has. If I make a mistake, you can correct me. If I am right, I...