Define common interface for keypoint models. Wrap current best models (Pierre Luc's and Vicent's from my course + current best model from Yoshua's course). Keep researching better models. [ Xavier...
Run the Picasa pipeline for extracting bounding box coordinates and facetubes on all the above named datasets Commit appropriate scripts in the repo [Mehdi, coordinate with Pascal V. for the...
Pierre-Luc et Vincent The tasks included in this ticket are : -Add keypoint data to SFEW's wrapper class -Wrap the Flickr dataset -Wrap the multiPIE dataset -Wrap the BioID dataset...
For Atousa Please create an account Atousa will apply the activity recognition pipeline of Wang et al (state-of-the-art on Hollywood 2) to the problem of emotion recognition. There was a...
Roland will work with his student on his approach to activity recognition, to compare with Atousa's implementation of emotion recognition.