nao_gazebo copied to clipboard
The project is incompatible with gazebo-7
The main reason for this problem is the incompatibility of alnaosim libraries with c++11 definitions. The code compiles but gives the following error on runtime: gzserver: symbol lookup error: /home/sensei/catkin_ws/devel/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN3Sim5ModelC1ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
The error arises when initializing the Sim::Model(std::string name) constructor. I've tried using g++-4.8 compilers as well but the problem persists because of the conflict between std::cxx11__string and std::string. If anyone has a solution to this, please do update the issue.
Hi, I am working on Gazebo 7 artificial skin simulator for Nao in Ubuntu 14.04 and ROS Indigo and use modified version of this plugin. We also encountered some problems during compilation, these were solved by updating plugin to API of Gazebo 7 and replacement of boost namespace before dynamic_pointer_cast to std. We also used newer compiler version (with g++-4.9 and c++11 enabled it compiles in our case). Our project with description is here: Working example is here:
Hello @saifullah3396 @jilekma1! Thanks for the nice feedback and sorry for the very late response..! I will try to update soon the repo to support both Gazebo 7 and older versions..