
Results 17 issues of cosmo0

Hi ! I'm using the scraper using the "mix3" image, from ScreenScraper source. I'm assuming the image is generated by the scraper and it's not the pre-configured "mix" from SS...

Try to find overlays for these systems: - [x] Apple II (no Libretro emulator) - [x] Atari 800 - [x] Atari ST - [x] CDi - [ ] CoCo -...


It's necessary to build the project before running `electronize start`, otherwise nothing is shown after the splash screen. Additionally, I cleaned up the readme format (markdown image and fixed [MD014](

I found out the hard way that you can't mix usage of `.data` and `.attr`. The `.data` documentation clearly states that it doesn't change the DOM upon setting a value....

Check list of source files before copy and list: - items not found - items skipped (already on target)


Ex : for CSV merge, an image showing the main file, the secondary file, and the result.


Some people use the tool to add overlays for vertical games on 4/3 monitors. Allow other ratios, and resize/crop the overlays accordingly during installation.

- [ ] Check paths of overlays install for RA on Windows and Mac. - [ ] Add a config for these systems
