Sean Kwak
Sean Kwak
Can the following paper be considered? It suggests such possibilities.. The author also publicised his code. I don't know if they are feasible.
This is awesome 👍 @DBraun
Hi @kbanoop, It looks like, your example only demonstrated how to save state (initialise without restore) without restoration part. Hence, It doesn't contain `global_step = tf.compat.v1.train.get_global_step()`. Nonetheless, I am already...
Hi @kbanoop, thank you for your kind reply. I didn't use Notebook. Everything ran as a python project on Pycharm. So, it's same as running on terminal. The following is...
Hi Simon, thank you for your reply. The seems not the official maven repo, Should it be supposed to be Also, I clicked the pom file and I...
Can someone please review 'satendrakumar' PR? if it's ok :)
Hi Dennis( @dnvriend ), I would like to ask you about versioning for Akka dependencies. I see that you are currently providing support for Akka version 2.5.15 Does it mean...
I have experimented with the (dnvriend) version. I got the following log message. For the (dvriend) version, you can replace 2.5.15 to 2.5.1 in the same message. **akka.util.ManifestInfo -...
@BeatSager in the end, I used akka 2.5.15. The warning message disappeared.
@dotekien I managed to do this. It's relatively easy. You create your own docker file extending 'lambci/lambda:java8' image and the specify the following line, `'ENTRYPOINT java -jar /var/runtime/lib/LambdaJavaRTEntry-1.0.jar'` as...